Being a security guard can be one of the hardest jobs around, especially if you work in a busy hospital and have to deal with all sorts of comings-and-goings. But one hospital in Richmond, Australia, has given the job to one of its most trusted residents, Elwood, a lovely ginger and white cat who frequents the hospital grounds. He even has his own little ID showing everyone the position he holds.
Elwood first got the job in 2019 after being repeatedly spotted by Chantel Trollip, who works at the hospital as a pathologist. She was immediately drawn to Elwood who has a friendly personality and never gets flustered by the presence of staff or hospital visitors. It wasn't until 2020 that Chantel noticed that Elwood now had his own ID, and no one is quite sure where he got it from. Chantel told reporters:
"I was actually having a case of the 'sads' that day. But seeing his ID badge turned my whole mood around!"
His little ID is complete with portrait photograph, call ID, and job title, and he certainly seems proud to be wearing it. Chantel even thinks that his role as a security guard has guaranteed that there is no trouble. She said:
"I think any potential criminals are thwarted by his sweetness when passers-by see him. He has a very sweet chirp of a meow and I think anyone with any ill will would automatically change their plans upon hearing it, and so I assume this is his way of getting the job done."
She then added:
"He is lovely and friendly but not overly affectionate, he enjoys a good pat but likes to keep things short and move around a fair bit. He is on the security team after all, has to make sure everyone coming and going gets checked. He's all we talk about! Even the regular patients know him by name now. It's so nice to see him and pet him on our way in or out from work."
Amazingly, until recently, and even long-after Elwood received his official hospital ID, it wasn't certain where he lived, and many staff members believed that he was a stray. However, it has since been revealed that Elwood lives in a house just across the road from the hospital and just enjoys coming to work each day. Now imagine the shock of being Elwood's owner and knowing nothing of his travels but him returning one-day with a full hospital ID, or you go online, and your cat is the talk of the town with his own job as a security guard.
It really goes to show that cats do have their own lives.