The former head of Israel's Space Security Program has claimed that the governments of Israel and the United States have made contact with aliens and that this has been kept secret because 'humanity isn't ready yet'. The retired general, and current Professor, Haim Eshed, 87, headed the space security program for almost 30 years and has received numerous rewards for his service. He revealed his claims in an interview with the Jerusalem Post and he has now published a book on the subject.
In the interview, he claimed that both Israel and the United States have known about the existence of aliens for years. His story though, does begin to become a little more far-fetched as he claims that both aliens and US representatives have a base on Mars where they meet, and that the aliens exist as part of a 'Galactic Federation'.
As far as we are aware, no human being as ever stepped foot on Mars, let alone been able to communicate with any alien civilization.
Eshed says:
"If I had come up with what I'm saying today five years ago, I would have been hospitalized. Today, they're already talking differently. I have nothing to lose. I've received my degrees and awards; I am respected in universities abroad, where the trend is also changing."
Eshed also claims that the current US President, Donald Trump is aware of the aliens and the space program and that he may be on the verge of realising this information when he leaves office in January. Eshed says that Trump had wished to reveal the existence of the aliens earlier but that he was stopped from doing so by the 'Galactic Federation' who said humanity needs to:
"Evolve and reach a stage where we will... understand what space and spaceships are."
Trump heavily promoted the US space-program and its links to the US military during his time in office.
Unfortunately, Eshed does not provide any evidence in the interview as to the reality of his claims, they do, however, make for interesting reading. The book he has released is titled 'The Universe Beyond the Horizon – conversations with Professor Haim Eshed'. The book also contains the Professor's insights into preventing a nuclear apocalypse.