A man in Pennsylvania who loves squirrels coming into his garden has built them their very own little picnic table, and the photographs have taken the internet by storm. While squirrels are more than happy to munch away on nuts and seeds at ground level, they do feel safer when they are at a height. They most certainly seem to appreciate the new garden décor and have been returning almost every day as they store up food for the winter.
Rick Kalinowski was able to build the adorable little table using scraps of wood he had lying about, and it took him only a matter of hours to complete the creation and have it mounted. Within a day, the squirrels were sitting at the table just like little humans would.
"I really believe they love it," Kalinowski told The Dodo.
What Rick didn't expect was that after he posted pictures of the squirrels online that they would go viral, seen by millions across the world. Thinking quickly, Rick realised that many other people would love to have a similar picnic table in their back garden, so he fired up his very own Etsy store to sell his creations. Already the orders have been pouring in, and so it is possible you will see one in your neighbour's garden soon.
Rick now says that he loved giving the squirrels this little gift and that it was him paying them back for all the hours he has enjoyed watching them in the garden with his morning coffee.