There has been widespread upset after Hungary's far-right government orders a publisher to attach a disclaimer to a children's book that contained LGBT themes.
The book, part of a fairytale anthology, 'Wonderland Is for Everyone', is written to teach children to be respectful towards everyone, no matter who they are. In the book, there is a prince that marries a prince and a doe (a female deer) that becomes a buck (a male deer). The book also deals with disabled people and Roma people, who are treated in a sympathetic manner, as well as black people.
The Hungarian government has now demanded that a disclaimer be put at the start of the book that states the book contains:
"Behaviour inconsistent with traditional gender roles".
The government released a statement in which it is stated that:
"The book is sold as a fairytale, called so on its cover and designed accordingly, but it hides the fact that it depicts behaviour inconsistent with traditional gender roles."
The book first came to public attention when a Hungarian MP held a press conference in which he shredded the book in protest. While the MP was from the far-right 'Our Homeland Movement', the sentiment was mirrored by the ruling party Fidesz, who called it 'homosexual propaganda'.
The current Hungarian regime has long been criticised for its discriminatory policies towards the LGBT community. In 2012 a new Hungarian constitution was enacted in which gay marriage was banned. The constitution also made no explicit statement banning discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
Late last year, the Hungarian government passed a law which banned adoption for anyone out-with marriage. In effect meaning that no co-habiting homosexual couple can now adopt a child in Hungary.
Hungary has also been severely criticised for its behaviour towards migrants. While the country is an EU member, it refused to take its official quota of refugees entering Europe from the Middle East. This resulted in many refugees being left to sleep in the open in freezing refugee camps.
The ruling party was though seriously embarrassed last year after one of their Members of the European Parliament, József Szájer, was arrested as he fled from a gay orgy in Brussels, Belgium. The MEP was also in possession of drugs. The party had been broken up by Belgian police as it contravened the country's Covid-19 lockdown rules.
h/t: The Guardian