Taking a picture of your dog, can be tough at the best of times, but with some pups, it is almost impossible for them to sit still while their picture is taken. One such dog is Hina, who seems to ruin every snap taken by her owners, especially those alongside her best friends Kikko, Sasha and Momo.
These hilarious pictures are just some examples of how Hina has managed to mess-up carefully crafted shots. That said, the results are absolutely perfect and probably are even more treasured now than they would have been if Hina had just behaved.
If you like to take pictures of your dog but they never seem to turn out quite right, then professional pet photographer Mark Rogers gives some advice. He told 'Dog Time' magazine that you should first get your dog used to the camera, he said:
"The click and flash of a camera can rattle dogs at first, says Rogers. Let your dog give the camera a good sniff, then start casually shooting the surroundings… The idea is to keep things natural and relaxed. What not to do: Grab a ton of treats, abruptly shove the camera in your dog's face, and repeat, "Mommy's gonna take your picture!" at a high pitch."
He then says that it is vital to get your lighting as perfect as possible, in order to avoid washed out photographs:
"Most amateur photographers do best with warm, natural sunlight. To avoid washed-out pictures, shoot in the mornings or evenings, on slightly overcast days, or in the shade on a bright day. For indoor shots, you'll probably need a flash. You'll get a more natural-looking shot if you use an off-camera flash and swivel it upward so the light's bouncing off the ceiling. If it's daytime, open the curtains and let the light flood the room."
He adds that it is vital to have a good background in order to make your dog stand out, he added:
"Simple backgrounds, like a white sandy beach or green trees, make your dog stand out. If you've got a point-and-shoot camera, have your dog at least a dozen feet in front of the background so they'll be more in focus than whatever's behind them, and of course, watch for tree branches that look like they're growing out of your dog's head. Pay attention to colour, too — no black backgrounds for black dogs, brown backgrounds for brown dogs, and so on."
Rogers also insists that getting down to your own dog's level and taking pictures from different angles can be hugely beneficial and reminds anyone taking a photograph of their dog to take as many as possible, therefore increasing the chances of getting that perfect snap!
Wednesday mood... we want to do absolutely nothing! 水曜日の気分… ヤル気ゼロ!
Posted by 柴犬/Shiba Inu - Kikko, Sasha, Momo & Hina on Tuesday, 4 February 2020
It’s 3rd March today, Girls' Day in Japan, a festival called "Hina Matsuri" (Doll Festival)! Hina: Yes, it’s my day!!! 「3月3日、今日はヒナの日だよ!ヒナのお名前は雛。女の子らしくって良いでしょ。」
Posted by 柴犬/Shiba Inu - Kikko, Sasha, Momo & Hina on Monday, 2 March 2020
Hina: Sister Kikko, you can look after us. I’m done! 「キッコお姉ちゃん、やっぱり私達のお世話して良いよ。ヒナ昨日でもうやり切ったから!」
Posted by 柴犬/Shiba Inu - Kikko, Sasha, Momo & Hina on Monday, 25 May 2020
Happy holiday 🇭🇰! 今日は祝日!ところで、誰かさん… また…
Posted by 柴犬/Shiba Inu - Kikko, Sasha, Momo & Hina on Tuesday, 30 June 2020
Hina says she wants to make you smile on Monday morning... let her be! 憂鬱な月曜日の朝… ヒナ、皆んなを笑顔にさせたいって、頑張ってた!
Posted by 柴犬/Shiba Inu - Kikko, Sasha, Momo & Hina on Sunday, 30 August 2020
Hina... never fails!!! ヒナちゃん… 決して期待を裏切らないよね!お姉ちゃん達も笑ちゃってる。
Posted by 柴犬/Shiba Inu - Kikko, Sasha, Momo & Hina on Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Smile like us! Tomorrow is Friday! みんな私達の笑顔真似して!明日は金曜日だよ!
Posted by 柴犬/Shiba Inu - Kikko, Sasha, Momo & Hina on Wednesday, 14 October 2020
Hina: I’m the only one who knows that it’s Monday today... 「ヒナだけ今日は月曜日って知っちゃった… お姉ちゃん達に言うべきか悩んでるところ…」
Posted by 柴犬/Shiba Inu - Kikko, Sasha, Momo & Hina on Sunday, 1 November 2020
Good morning! Have a beautiful Sunday! みんな、おはよう!素敵な日曜日過ごしてね。
Posted by 柴犬/Shiba Inu - Kikko, Sasha, Momo & Hina on Saturday, 14 November 2020
Hina: Did you hear me? I just wanted to let you know all that... it’s Friday!!! 「ねえ、今ヒナの声聞こえた?みんなに教えてあげたの、今日は金曜日だよ!って。」
Posted by 柴犬/Shiba Inu - Kikko, Sasha, Momo & Hina on Thursday, 10 December 2020
Happy girls, especially Hina...! みんな嬉しそう、特にヒナちゃん…!
Posted by 柴犬/Shiba Inu - Kikko, Sasha, Momo & Hina on Wednesday, 16 December 2020
Happy Sunday! 日曜日楽しんでる?
Posted by 柴犬/Shiba Inu - Kikko, Sasha, Momo & Hina on Saturday, 12 December 2020
Hina: I’m doing this to cheer mama up! 「ママちょっと落ち込んでるから、これで少しは笑顔になるかな?ヒナ、これからも頑張る!」
Posted by 柴犬/Shiba Inu - Kikko, Sasha, Momo & Hina on Saturday, 9 January 2021
h/t: Earth Wonders