An elderly ginger cat has been saved from certain death and is now living his golden years in a brand new home. The story came to light after a woman in Quebec, Canada, posted his story online.
She told of how in the middle of winter in Quebec, where temperatures can plummet to -30°C, she found the cat pawing at her window and crying for help. Letting him in, she noticed he had rotten teeth and was suffering from frostbite. She later also found out that he had worms.
It was told to her by the vet that examined the cat that he would have certainly died had the kind-hearted woman not brought him in from the cold. He had no collar, no microchip and was almost certainly a stray.
The woman then passed on the cat to Marie Simard, the owner of animal shelter 'Un Chat à la Fois', and he has since moved to a new home where he will live the rest of his life. Marie decided to call the cat 'Aslan' after the lion in 'The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe'.
Marie told Bored Panda:
"He had rotten teeth, frostbite, a bite wound (he was bleeding somewhere on his body), fleas, worms, he had diabetes and skin allergy. Aslan is a very affectionate cat. He forgot his outdoor life, he doesn't try to go outside. He likes to sleep on his pillow and he likes to cuddle."
She added:
"His blood work was very bad and he had to stay hospitalised a few days so he could be stabilised before going to his foster family. The vet said Aslan was so sick and exhausted, he would not have survived the winter if he hadn't received immediate attention."
The story of Aslan lit up the hearts of many social-media users who were ecstatic to read of Aslan, his rescue, and his road to recovery in a new happy home. Users posted:
"Poor baby must have been hurt and sad from all the hard life."
"Sweet angel baby knew he picked the right home. They always know somehow. That's always amazed me."
While another said:
"Anyone who helps another living thing in need is okay in my book! And yes I would help them with anything I could!"
Vous, vous souvenez du beau Aslan? Le voici dans sa famille adoptive 1 an après son sauvetage. Nous adorons recevoir de...
Posted by Un chat à la fois / One cat at a time on Wednesday, 1 April 2020