A study from the University of Oxford, has shown that children who have grandparents involved in their upbringing turn out happier and more secure than those children raised solely by their parents. Remarkably, the study also shows that grandparents who are involved in their grandchildren's upbringing also live longer than grandparents who play a less active role in their grandchildren's lives.
The academics who ran the study from Oxford University's Institute of Education looked at 1,500 children. Their findings suggested that children could reach out to their grandparents in time of emotional crisis, particularly in matters that affected the relationship between their parents, such as divorce. The research also suggested that a relationship with grandparents also helped hone children's problem-solving skills.
Other reasons are also suggested as to why grandparents improve their grandchildren's development, including higher levels of supervision. In many situations where only a single parent or two-parents are looking after children, it is often the case that long-work hours can lead to children being left alone for periods of time, particularly as the children reach their teen years. This, in turn, can lead to loneliness, alienation, and a greater potential to get into trouble, or be influenced negatively by their peer group.
A greater number of adults in a child's life leads to them being exposed to a greater number of viewpoints and experiences, leading to a potentially more versatile mindset that allows for the development of emotional intelligence.
While some have worried that grandparents 'spoil' children by allowing them to do things that their parents don't let them, or by not setting boundaries, this certainly does not seem to be true according to the study. In fact, it may very well be the case that grandparents only tend to 'spoil' grandchildren when they have limited interaction with them and therefore wish to make that short-term experience as enjoyable as possible.
Sara Moorman, of Boston University, who led a similar study and came to similar conclusions, said:
"Grandparents have a wealth of experience — they'll often tell stories about their lives and how things worked when they were young, and once kids become adults, they're able to maximize those lessons."
While Shalhevet Attar-Schwartz, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, added:
"Parents should be aware of their role as gatekeepers in the relationship between their children and their parents. They should also be aware of grandparents' potential to be an important resource in their children's lives, especially if the family is undergoing a change… or if the child is undergoing a painful or challenging experience."
At present, it is estimated that only 1 in 3 grandparents currently play a major part in their grandchildren's upbringing.
h/t: Positive Outlooks