Hopper, a 9-month-old white cat, was abandoned by his family when they could no longer take care of him, and staff at The Alaska Humane Society were seriously worried that he would never find a new home, largely due to the fact that younger kittens tend to always be adopted first.
But it was Hopper's affectionate nature and friendliness that has landed him a new forever home.
After being neutered by the society, he was soon up and making his presence known to absolutely everyone that walked in. Going up on his hind-legs for pets and rubbing himself on the feet of passers-by.
When a new couple walked into the shelter seeking a new cat, Hopper made sure that he was chosen, or to be more precise, he chose them. Enamoured with his nature, the couple didn't look any further and took him home that very day.
Shannon Basner, founder of Alaska's KAAATs, told Love Meow:
"He is the sweetest, most affectionate boy with vivaciousness, sophistication and personality. He loves to play, but surely is all about getting and sharing the love. He is very affectionate and chatted up a storm. He craves and loves attention from people."
She added that when the new couple showed up:
"They had the chance to go in the back with the lead shelter volunteer, Arleen. There, Hopper made it abundantly clear to his people, that they were the ones for him. He reached out those adorable paws of love and that was it! They were smitten and he was too. He didn't even have to go on the adoption floor! We love that when that happens. Now, Hopper gets to start the next chapter of his life with his forever family."
Hopper's ear malformation is believed to be the result of an old injury as opposed to any genetic defect. However, it is not thought to impact him negatively in the least. He can still hear from the ear and it is unlikely that missing an ear has even given him a second thought since it happened. In fact, it is probable, that along with his wonderful nature, that the missing ear gave Hopper that extra bit of aesthetic character that meant he was always going to stand out from the crowd.
Posted by Alaska's KAAATs on Saturday, 16 January 2021
Posted by Alaska's KAAATs on Saturday, 16 January 2021
Posted by Alaska's KAAATs on Saturday, 16 January 2021
Posted by Alaska's KAAATs on Saturday, 16 January 2021
[h/t: Love Meow]