Photos: Real Pharmacy
A dog has become a local celebrity after saving a kitten from a devastating fire that erupted after an explosion in Ukraine.
The explosion took place at a UkrOboronProm armaments factory in Donetsk in war-torn Ukraine, where Western and Russian backed groups have been fighting each other for a number of years.
The fire spread to homes and businesses in the surrounding area, thankfully the residents were able to flee before there was mass-casualties.
One man, who was nameless in reports, took his dog and decided to leave as his home began burning. However, a kitten the family had just adopted was left inside. The dog, against all natural instincts, ran from the man towards the building. The man, fearing for his own safety, and pushed back by the heat, waited outside shouting at the dog to return.
After a few terrifying minutes, the dog appeared holding the kitten in his mouth.
The man, his family, and the kitten and dog then fled to safety. Unfortunately, the man's home was left completely gutted by the fire. The family, and the animals, are now living with family in another part of Ukraine. It is reported that the dog and the kitten are still the best of friends.
This isn't a one off-story. Countless reports from across the world have documented dogs saving people and animals from fires, with little regard for their own safety.
One such story, which gained a lot of media attention at the time, involved a terrier-cross called Leo in Sydney, Australia.
Leo ran into a house-fire and saved four tiny kittens. He managed to protect them until firefighters arrived. The dog had however suffered from smoke inhalation and had to be revived by firefighters at the scene. Thankfully, both he and the kittens survived the ordeal.
Similarly, in Barnstead, New Hampshire, a three-year-old border collie called Precious saved her owner and a kitten after rushing up and waking her owner as a fire-swept the home. While the dog and the owner escaped the home, the kitten was left inside. Precious began digging through debris and was able to pull the kitten to safety.
It goes to show that dogs really are man's (and cat's) best friend!
[h/t: Animal Channel]