This beautiful dog was able to dig himself out of a shallow grave after his owners left him for dead. Kiryusha, a German Shepherd from northern Russia, was given an injection by his owners, an injection they believe had killed him. They then took him into the woods and buried him in a shallow grave. Thankfully, Kiryusha had survived the attempt at a lethal injection and awoke buried below the ground. Scrambling the dog managed to pull himself out of the grave to safety.
Walking around helplessly in the wilderness, he was spotted by a passing motorist, Olga Listseva, 39.
At first hesitant to stop for a potentially dangerous dog, Olga turned the car around to take a closer look. She could tell from the way the dog was walking uneasily, that something wasn't right.
Approaching the dog, she realised that he was not a threat and decided to put him in the car in order to protect him from the elements. Olga could also see that there was a grave from where it appeared the dog had emerged from. His fur was thick with mud and dirt.
In the middle of nowhere, the pair drove 93 miles to the nearest animal rescue centre, in the city of Ukhta. Kind City animal rescue then undertook a mission to track down the owners, believing that the dog had perhaps gone missing without their knowledge.
When the owners were eventually tracked down, they claimed that they had put the dog down because he was suffering from a variety of illnesses. However, when Kiryusha had been inspected by vets at the animal welfare centre, no evidence of any underlying illness was found. All that ailed the dog was dehydration and lack of food, issues that were easily resolved.
While the owners apologised for their mistake the animal centre decided that it was best if Kiryusha could be rehomed with owners that were more suitable. Thankfully a short time later, Kiryusha was adopted by a local family who now take good care of him.
Ekaterina Nimac, who works at the animal centre that saved Kiryusha, told local reporters:
"Thanks to Olga, Kiryu has started a new life."
[h/t: Paws Planet]