A baby in Iraq has made medical history after being the first child ever born with three penises. While previous accounts have been made throughout history, no individual has had the condition medically verified before.
The boy was born in the south of Iraq near the city of Mosul and was taken to a doctor after his parents noticed swelling near his testicles. Upon closer inspection by medical professionals, this was revealed to be 2 extra penises. Both were later surgically removed, and it is thought the boy will make a full recovery. Neither of the extra-penises were believed to be functional.
Why this has occurred is unclear, though it is thought that as many as 1 in every 5 million male births result in a single extra penis. Doctors are investigating whether some sort of drug use or contamination could have caused the birth defect. Others have suggested that years of military activity, including the use of shells with depleted-uranium could be the source of the deformity. There have been widespread reports of medical deformities in Iraqi babies following the bombing and invasion of the country by allied forces in 2003.
The first case of supernumerary penises was documented as far back as the 1600s though it is likely to have occurred throughout human history. In India in 2015, it was reported a boy was born with two penises, but this was never properly documented by medical experts.
The medical report, which was published in the International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, said:
"Supernumerary penises is an extremely rare congenital anomaly which affects one in every 5–6 million live births. Affected patients may have only a rudimentary penis, supernumerary penile glances or complete duplication or triplication of penises. Some patients may have some other associated congenital anomalies."
It added:
"Triphallia (three penises) is unreported condition in human until now. Patients with supernumerary penises have unique presentation and no cases are identical. The position of the penis may be ectopic or orthotopic. Treatment is difficult because it poses medical, ethical, and cosmetic aspects. A combined multidisciplinary team is required for the management and long term follow up is required. Excision or reconstruction of the duplicate penis is required depending on the corporal development and anatomy of the urethra."
After follow-up examinations, the boy appears to be in perfect health.
[h/t: Daily Mail]