If you have ever wanted big muscles but never had the time or dedication to go to the gym, this muscle suit might be for you.
The hilarious muscle suit, which is designed to be worn under the clothes or on its own, gives the false impression of musculature. It is being sold by a Chinese company for 790Rmb - 3980Rmb ($121 - $609) and has been spread over the internet as people find it so funny, shocked that anyone would invest in such a thing.
The suit can be bought for just the torso or a full-body version is available, it also comes in a range of sizes. Made of a plastic-like material and can be remarkably deceptive at first sight, on closer inspection however, it is evident that the muscles are fake.
The internet found it hilarious, but some defended it, with commentators saying:
"I just imagining how to take that thing off before sex as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Just like women with push up bras."
"Women use push ups guys use muscle ups. Why not. The lies will come out eventually"

Others note:
"This is just the male equivalent of makeup, fake nails, fake hair, high heels, push up bras, ass lifting leggings, contouring underwear..."
"Like what a lot of women do with buckets of makeup and body shaping underwear..."
"These days you literally have to make a woman strip and shower before you can see what they really look like."
"First thing you think, when looking at this is the heat and sweat."
[h/t: 9gag]