Conservatives have been left fuming after they claimed that a notice left in Minneapolis by Black Lives Matters protesters is discriminatory and hypocritical and is even 'racist'. The notice was left at 'George Floyd Square' in Minneapolis known informally after George Floyd who was murdered by police-officer Derek Chauvin.
The notice outlines acceptable behaviours, but also behaviour that must be specifically adhered to by white individuals.
The first three rules are for anyone who is an 'invited guest', and read:
"Enter with reverence, humility, and openness."
"Care for each other by wearing a mask and ask others to wear a mask."
"Honour the space as a place to connect and grieve as caring humans."
It goes on to outline 'rules for white people', and says:
"Decenter yourself and come to listen, learn, mourn, and witness. Remember you are here to support, not to be supported."
"Be mindful of whether your volume, pace, and movements are supporting or undermining your efforts to decenter yourself."
"Seek to contribute to the energy of the space, rather than drain it. Bring your own processing to other white folks so that you will not harm [black, indigenous, and people of color]."
"Consider if you want or need to take photos and post them. Do not take photos of other people without their consent."
"If you witness white folks doing problematic things, speak up with compassion to take the burden [off of] Black folks and our siblings of color whenever appropriate. Seek to engage rather than escalate, so that it can be a learning moment rather than a disruption."
Many online commentators were outraged by the singling out of people by race, comments included:
"I wonder how everyone would react if any sign.. anywhere.. for anything.. said, 'For black people in particular?'"
"How about as a 'white' American I'll just do whatever the hell I want within the confines of the law in any public space?"
"The tables have turned, and honestly it's like 2% of the population feeding us this garbage. Black, white, Asian, whatever, rational humans need to object to this."
[h/t: Blaze media]