A dog has been revealed as the cutest thief in the world after the story of his escapades went viral.
Animal control was called by a shopkeeper in North Carolina after a large stray male dog kept on entering the store. Bizarrely, every time he entered the store he attempted to steal a soft toy in the form of a pink unicorn.
When Duplin County Animal Control were called to the scene, they decided to make the dog happy and just bought him the toy.
The dog, Sisu, is now living in an animal shelter and has already found a new owner. Much to his happiness, he will be taking the pink unicorn with him wh en he goes.
On Facebook the animal shelter said:
"This is what happens when you break into the dollar general consistently to steal the purple unicorn that you laid claim to but then get animal control called to lock you up for your B & E and larceny but the officer purchases your item for you and brings it in with you."
Joe Newburn, the supervisor at Duplin County Animal Services, told The Dodo:
"We got a call from our communications center that [Sisu] was at a Dollar General going in and taking a unicorn, and he'd done this five times. So, finally, they had to lock the door and not let him in. When my officer got there and found out he wanted the unicorn really bad, she purchased it."
Samantha Lane, who works at the shelter, added:
"She was just buying the unicorn because that's what she does. Every animal she comes in contact with she does that for."
Newburn went on to say:
"He's always with that thing. The only time he doesn't mess with it is when it gets dirty. But once you wash it and clean it up, it's back to being his buddy again. He's a real good dog. He likes to play and he's very smart. He sits, stays, shakes hands. He's very well mannered." 2
[h/t: CNN]