This amazing video has captured a sight many didn't expect on their trip to the shops, a giant lizard rampaging through a supermarket and pulling down products.
The video was taken by bystanders in a supermarket in Thailand and show a huge wild monitor lizard causing chaos. It was initially filmed walking through the aisles of the shops and then climbing on products.
In the video, a bystander can be heard saying:
"The shelves are ruined! Oh my God."
Neither bystanders nor shop staff felt safe to approach the lizard, though it was later removed by authorities. It will now be placed back into the wild.
The lizard, which was believed to be around 8 feet long, from the monitor family are a common sight in Thailand, and they have been increasingly encroaching on human settlements, including major cities, as they look for food and scraps.
Monitor lizards are the second largest lizard in the world, the largest being the highly dangerous Komodo Dragon. While monitor lizards are not dangerous to adult humans, they can still administer a very painful and vicious bite.
There are around 80 species of monitor lizard in the world, and they are found in Asia, Africa and Oceania. They range from 20cm in length, to the giant 10 foot long Komodo Dragon. Most of the lizards are carnivorous, meaning they eat rodents, animals and eggs, though some also eat fruit and vegetation.
While monitor lizard populations are declining worldwide, they are not currently regarded as endangered. Sadly, many are also killed for their skin, which is used to make ornaments, purses and clothing.
[h/t: India Times]