A father and daughter have gone viral after releasing a video on TikTok regarding race in the United States. The video was created by Kory Yeshua and states that he doesn't want white children in the United States to think of themselves as 'oppressors'.
Yeshua, who is African-American, believes that some elements of the current debate over racism in the United States are causing animosity and division instead of acceptance and understanding.
Yeshua has previously gone viral for videos criticising of the US Democratic party.
He said in an interview with Fox & Friends:
"I've just seen a lot of things going on in America right now, going on in the world. I see the agenda being pushed on our children and they're trying to teach our children to look at each other, not from who they are as a person, but for their skin color. I just decided I wanted to get out there and show the world what I teach my daughter and the values that I instill in her about the content of her character and not the color of her skin."
He says that he began teaching his daughter about these issues after he saw a video online regarding racism and segregation in 1950s America.
Yeshua said:
"They had played a video that kind of took me back and it was about segregation and there was a water fountain in the video that said Whites only. And after the video, my daughter had come to me and said why wasn't the White kid able to play with the Black kid? I did not think she was ready for heavy things like Jim Crow yet and I had to speak to her about that. And that's actually what led up to coming out and speaking to her about these things."
He added:
"I'm so overwhelmed. It's such a blessing but the main thing I want to get out there is I want little White kids to know they are not oppressors, I want little Black kids to know they are not oppressed. And they can do anything they want to do, anything they put their mind to. You can overcome any obstacle, your skin color does not matter."
[h/t: Fox News]