The Japanese government has asked companies to allow employees to work four instead of five days a week, according to reports from Deutsche Welle.
This recommendation was released in newly introduced economic guidelines as a measure that will contribute towards achieving a better work-life balance. If implemented, this will allow workers to enjoy a longer weekend.
The recommendation might come as a big surprise to many, given the fact that the Japanese culture is famous for its workaholic corporate environment. Working conditions in Japan often involve employees' both physical and mental health to suffer due to the extensive hours of work. Suicide is the number one cause of death in the country, with the number of deaths resulting from suicide exceeding the number of deaths from CoViD-19 in 2020.
At last, it seems that the government has decided to take action and improve the quality of life of the country's employees.
DW also reports that the ongoing pandemic has already forced companies in Japan to loosen their strict rules, with many being allowed to work from home.
Another objective that the government wishes to achieve through the newly introduced guidelines is the increase of the number of births in the country. Last year, the number of newborns reached a record low, partly due to the pandemic.
The government estimates that a four-day per week work schedule will allow for more time to raise a family and to also care for elderly family members. This is crucial given that the country's aging population has seen a rapid increase which also results in fewer young people entering the workforce.
Lastly, extra free time will also allow for more money to circulate in the economy which has been suffering largely due to the pandemic.
[h/t: Futurism]