A floating swimming pool in New York city's East Rivel is built to offer New Yorkers the opportunity to enjoy swimming in clean waters while at the same time making a positive environmental impact. + POOL is a project that aims to clean the waters of the river, which has been accumulating pollution since the 1930s, while reintroducing the citizens to a healthy alternative for swimming in the city.
Archie Lee Coates IV and Jeff Franklin of PlayLab and Dong-Ping Wong and Oana Stanescu of the former architecture firm Family are the four designers behind the project. They came up with the idea of creating an Olympic-size public pool in the East River in 2010 and managed to bring the project to completion more than a decade later. Now, + POOL has an official website advising visitors to "proceed with due diligence".
The designers have said that they had to go through two years of reviewing by the city and the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC). Prior to this stage, they had to gather a team of dedicated volunteers, drawing up and redesigning iterations of pools, and researching the science behind water filtration. Currently, the pool is able to filter 600,000 gallons of the river's polluted water each day.
The floating swimming pool has the capacity to allow for both swimming and hosting public events. Many people are excited about the environmental and cultural benefits that the + POOL can offer.
+ POOL has also attracted the attention of celebrities like Kanye West and Neil Patrick Harris, as well as, mayoral candidate Andrew Yang. Although an official date for the pool's opening to the public has not been released yet, it seems likely that + POOL may soon become accessible.
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[h/t: My Modern Met]