The Taliban have announced new laws governing conduct inside Afghanistan's universities. The new laws will mean that men and women will be separated by gender and that women will be forced to wear strict coverings.
The Taliban did however say that women would still be allowed to attend university and school. It is feared that women will eventually be forced to give up education completely under Taliban rule.
Higher Education Minister Abdul Baqi Haqqani said of the new rules:
"We have no problems in ending the mixed-education system. The people are Muslims and they will accept it."
Referring to the logistical issues and shortages of lecturers in providing segregated education ,the minister said:
"It all depends on the university's capacity. We can also use male teachers to teach from behind a curtain, or use technology."
Adding that the new education system would:
"Create a reasonable and Islamic curriculum that is in line with our Islamic, national and historical values and, on the other hand, be able to compete with other countries."
The Taliban seized power in Afghanistan after a 20-year war against US and NATO forces. They previously controlled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001 and imposed a strict Islamist doctrine into every aspect of life. This included banning girls and women from receiving an education. Women were also banned from leaving home and were stoned to death for alleged crimes such as adultery and blasphemy.
Under the Afghan government from 2001 to 2020, women were allowed to be educated, work, and have their faces uncovered. In those 20 years, female literacy doubled from 15% of the population to 30% of the population.
The new Taliban regime says that it will be more liberal in its attitude towards women, that women will be allowed to keep some jobs, that they will be able to walk the streets, and that they will be able to receive an education. However, many suspect that this is simply a lie and that once power is consolidated their treatment of women will become even worse.
Some countries, such as Germany, have considered cutting all foreign aid to Afghanistan unless women's rights are upheld.
[h/t: BBC]