A Russian state media company has published a chilling article in which a political analyst calls for the full destruction of Ukraine as an independent nation.
The article, which was published by pro-Putin Russian channel RIA Novosti has been called a 'final solution' by analysts. The 'final solution' was the name given by the Nazis to the holocaust and attempted killing of all of Europe's Jewish population.
The article written by Timofey Sergeytsev says:
"War criminals and active Nazis should be exemplarily and exponentially punished. There must be a total lustration. Any organisations that have associated themselves with the practice of Nazism [must be] liquidated and banned. However, in addition to the top, a significant part of the masses, which are passive Nazis, accomplices of Nazism, are also guilty. They supported and indulged Nazi power. The Bandera elite must be eliminated, its re-education is impossible."
Stepan Bandera was a pro-Nazi Ukrainian nationalist during the Second World War.
The article continues, in which it says Ukrainian opponents of Russia:
"Must survive the hardships of the war and assimilate the experience as a historical lesson and atonement for its guilt."
That accomplices must be:
"Forced [into] labour to restore the destroyed infrastructure as punishment for Nazi activities -those who will not be subject to the death penalty or imprisonment".
And that Ukraine must cease to be an independent state.
The far-right and fascist groups do have a presence in Ukraine, however the Ukrainian president is Jewish and the main far-right Ukrainian party got under 3% of the vote at the last general election.
Bizarrely the author of the article accepts that Ukrainian so-called neo-fascist groups don't appear to really exist. Saying:
"[Ukraine has] no main Nazi party, no Fuhrer, no full-fledged racial laws (only their truncated version in the form of repressions against the Russian language). But this does not make Ukrainian Nazism a 'light version' of German Nazism during the first half of the 20th century. UkroNazism carries not less, but a greater threat, to the world and Russia than German Nazism of the Hitlerite version."
[Based on reporting by: Mirror]