The photography team, uta, comprised by Takayuki Nakamura and Moya Nakamura, has captured a series of images showing a rabbit battle. The aim of the project is to compare the actual battle to the manga series, Fist of the North Star.
Although rabbits are perceived as innocent and cute, they can in fact, frequently become aggressive. As the photos suggest, rabbits are quite skilled fighters, who could champion martial arts.
The images depict two rabbits in midair, exucuting flips, kicks and punches against each other.
After seeing the pictures, several people compared the scenes depicted to those seen in anime fights in popular manga.
[Based on reporting by: My Modern Met]
北斗の拳みたいな空中戦❗ pic.twitter.com/hsvI7Rh3oF
— うさぎ写真家 uta (@utajima) March 15, 2022
空中戦の続きもあります! pic.twitter.com/2pkJTn6SvC
— うさぎ写真家 uta (@utajima) March 25, 2022
うぉわちゃーーーー!! pic.twitter.com/etuqmNzQVY
— コバ◎シ某 (ナニガシ) (@Cc5gv1XOW2qGkFV) April 4, 2022