Valtteri Mulkahainen, a teacher in Sotkamo, Finland has captured an amazing series of pictures showing bear cubs dancing in the forest.
She said of her encounter with the bear cubs:
"The cubs behaved like little children. They were playing, and even started a few friendly fights. I felt like I was on a playground in front of my house, where small children frolic around. That's how much they reminded me of little children. At one point, the three of them got up on their hind legs and started pushing each other. It was like they were dancing in a circle."

Valtteri was located in a shelter 50 meters (164 feet) away from the bear cubs.
She said:
"I photographed the cubs with the bear all evening and all night."

Bears are a very common to encounter in Finland and most of them are found in the eastern part of the country. However, it is possible to also encounter bears in the southern as well as western parts of the country.

[Based on reporting by: theinfo.me]