The Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Belarus, Ruslan Kosygin, has said that Belarus may attack their western neighbour Poland and accused them and other neighbouring countries of being puppets of the United States.
Belarus is currently Russia’s only ally in their onslaught in Ukraine, and it was from Belarus where the invasion of northern-Ukraine was launched.
In a rambling statement the Deputy Chief said:
"The territory of Poland, as well as the Baltic countries, is turning into a polygon, where the USA plans to unleash another bloody conflict in Europe against the Russian Federation and its allies. Attempts by individual Polish politicians to initiate the return of the so-called Polish ancestral lands, which means the western regions of Ukraine and Belarus."
"The Polish leadership must understand in the first place. - The territory of Poland with its military infrastructure becomes the primary target of an attack in the event of a conflict, namely decision-making centers, elements of the management system, points of permanent deployment of the national armed forces, arsenals and bases, and as well as critically important objects of their economy and transport infrastructure. The West must clearly understand that our response to any armed provocations will definitely be adequate and tough."
Alexander Lukashenko, the dictator of Belarus, has made ever closer ties with Russia in the lead up to and during the invasion, putting up a ‘united front’. He said at the start of the invasion:
"We are the only country that supports the Russians in this struggle. Those who reproach us, did you not know that we have the closest alliance with the Russian Federation? With a state with which we are building a single, powerful, independent state – a Union state. And they didn't know that we had created a single group of armed forces in the union of Belarus and Russia for a long time? In fact, a unified army."
Lukashenko was heavily criticised in the West and faced sanctions after sham elections which resulted in tens-of-thousands of Belarussian pro-democracy protestors being arrested, imprisoned and tortured.
[Based on reporting by: Eurointegration]