A Turkish far-right politician and close ally of Turkish President Recep Erdogan has released a picture in which Greek islands, including Crete, are displayed as being part of Turkey.
Devlet Bahçeli is a senior long-time member of the Grey Wolves organisation, a far-right racist terrorist group that has carried out numerous killings since the 1970s. The focus of the ultra-nationalist grey Wolves is to attack those they perceive as the enemies of Turkey, including Kurds and left-wing Turks.
The photograph was taken at a meeting of the Grey Wolves organisation, and was shared on twitter with the words:
"Our leader, Mr. Devlet Bahceli, visited our Ãœlkü Ocakları Headquarters…May Almighty Allah bless Devlet Bahçeli and give him a long life."
Liderimiz Sn. Devlet Bahçeli Beyefendi Ülkü Ocakları Genel Merkezimizi ziyaret etti.
— Ãœlkü Ocakları (@Ulku_Ocaklari) July 9, 2022
Türk Dünyası’nın Bilge Lideri, Liderimiz Sn. Devlet Bahçeli Beyefendi’yi Cenab-ı Allah başımızdan eksik etmesin, uzun ömürler versin.🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/yFFQJ7Tyqb
Turkish irridentists have long-claimed ownership of islands that sit in Greek maritime territory. This has led to clashes in the past, and in 1974 Turkey launched a full-scale military invasion of the then Greek island of Cyprus. Turkey illegally occupies the north of the island to this day.
Greek diplomats, according to Greek newspaper Kathimerini, said in response to the online image:
"Unfortunately, it represents part of the escalation of the extreme rhetoric from Turkey that we witness on a daily basis. We expect the immediate, categorical, and public rejection of this unacceptable act, which doubts the sovereignty of our country."
Turkey has illegally invaded both Syria and Iraq in recent years and has also funded wars in both Azerbaijan and Libya as part of its aggressive foreign policy. Despite both Greece and Turkey being NATO members, the Turkish state has in the last year demand Greece demilitarise islands in Greek territory. Erdogan has also said that US bases in Greece were not a defence against Russia but an act of aggression against Turkey itself.
Erdogan said earlier this year:
"I warn Greece to avoid dreams, acts and statements that will result in regret….[and to] come to your senses. Turkey will not renounce its rights in the Aegean and will not back down from using rights that are established by international agreements when it comes to arming islands."
"There are nine US bases right now. They were established in Greece. Against whom were they established? The answer they give is 'against Russia.' We don't buy it, take no offense."
[Based on reporting by: Greek Reporter]